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​ What is a spell?

​ What is a spell?

Spellwork is the process of changing a situation by either luring new energy into it or sorting out the energy that already exists in a situation. A spell's intention and mindfulness are employed in order to produce change. Spells are series of symbolic actions done in the physical world in order to bring about change on another level.Spellwork can take place in a ritual framework but the spell is not the ritual. A ritual is a kind of ceremony that celebrates, honors, or functionality initiates spiritual transformations in a religious context. On the other hand, spell is an active method of using energy to power some sort of change (A spell can certainly take place in a spiritual context, of course, we'll get to that in a minute).Spells are not prayers. Witches and non-Wiccans, for example, when speaking of spells may mistakenly be doing so. The terms are not actually interchangeable, much as some people may think so. Praying is an act of faith, masterfully performed, while the inventing and casting a spell is secular. A prayer asks for a higher power to help in some way, meanwhile with a spell, you become the force of change. You use your own resources to gather and direct energy rather than using a higher power, to fulfill the objective. A spell is not necessarily more powerful or effective than a prayer, and vice versa is equally true.

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