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Can Someone Cast a Spell on You Using Just Your Username? Absolutely—Here's How.

They need your name, your birth date, a photo, right? Wrong. They don’t need any of that. All it takes is an idea. Imagine a scenario where you’re feeling a bit paranoid, so you decide to take action. But instead of waiting for something bad to happen, you craft something preemptive—something that strikes before any harm can come your way. And guess what? It’s as simple as a thought.

You start by calling the corners, threading the circle, and honoring the gods. Then comes the key part: your spell. Imagine it worded like this:

‘Any and all persons who entertain the idea in their head, or speak it aloud, of causing me pain or crossing me, shall...’

There’s no need for a name, a photo, or a birth date. Your intent is already alive. Flowing through the universe, through Akasha, connecting with every living thing. The moment someone thinks about harming you, the divine forces do what they were intended to do.

And what about using just a username? Does that work? Absolutely. The universe, the divine, whatever you want to call it, knows who’s behind the username. It knows who your intent is set upon—that’s enough. Anybody telling you that these details are essential simply doesn’t know their craft. They’re not essential; they’re just beneficial.

In the end, it all comes down to intent. When you set your will into motion, the universe listens. So, can someone put a spell on you using just your username? Yes. And you don’t need anything more than a spark of intention for it to take hold.

By: Bran Alder

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