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Calling The 5 Corners

East Air

South Fire

West Water

North Earth

Center Akasha(divine)

face East and invoke The element air (light incense): Winds of the East, I command you to rise. Tear through the veils of illusion and reveal the hidden truths. Let your fierce gales carry my will and scatter all that opposes me

face south and invoke the element fire (light a candle):

Flames of the South, I summon your wrath. Burn away the shadows that dare to encroach upon my path. Ignite within me a fire that consumes all obstacles and fuels my relentless pursuit of power

face West and invoke the element water (a bowl of water): Waters of the West, I call upon your depths. Drown the sorrows and fears that seek to weaken me. Let your tides surge with my intent, washing away all that stands in my way.

face North and invoke the element of Earth (a bowl of sea salt): Forces of the North, I invoke your might. Crush the doubts and insecurities that lie within me. Ground me with your unyielding strength and fortify my resolve against all adversaries.

invoke all four corners invoking Akasha (The Divine): essence of the divine, I command your presence. Envelop me in your infinite power and connect me to the mysteries beyond. Guide me through the darkness and into the light of dominion

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