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A simple spell for protection

  A small, clean jar with a lid

  Black salt (protective)

  Rosemary (purifying)

  Garlic (protective)

  Cloves (protective)

  A pinch of mugwort (psychic protection)

  A sigil (optional) for protection (you can draw it yourself or find one online)

  A clear quartz crystal (cleansing and amplifying)


  Cleanse your jar and workspace with sage smoke or incense.

  Focus on your intention for the spell jar, visualizing a protective shield around yourself.

  Add the ingredients to the jar, one at a time, while focusing on their protective properties.

  If you're using a sigil, add it to the jar now.

  Close the jar tightly and seal it with wax or twine.

  Shake the jar gently to combine the ingredients and activate the spell.

  Place the jar somewhere you'll see it often, as a reminder of your protection.


  You can substitute ingredients based on your what you have available. For example, basil can be used in place of rosemary, and cayenne pepper can be used in place of cloves.

 Trust your intuition when choosing ingredients.


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